Think Like a Cat is a GSN-original game show hosted by Chuck Woolery, and sponsored by Meow Mix. Eight cats and their owners compete in the contest, which is played like a game show rather than a pageant like Catminster, another GSN special centering on cats. The show has a top prize of $1,000,000. The show premiered on November 15, 2008.
Lightning Round
The first round is an elimination round in which the eight cats are placed in front of a bowl of cat food. The first three to finish their food, or the three which eat the most when time expires move on to the second round.
Are You Smarter Than a Cat?
The three remaining owners answer trivia questions for points. The format is similar to Jeopardy! with six cat-related CATegories containing questions ranging from 10 to 50 points. The lowest-scoring owner is eliminated.
Think Like a Cat
The two cats are each recorded in seven different situations. The owners wager points on what their cat will do before each clip is shown. They may not wager more than half of their points on the first two questions. For the remainder, they may wager any or all of their points. The cat and owner with the highest score win $25,000, and a chance to play the bonus round.
Meow Mix Million Dollar Challenge
Ten bags of Meow Mix cat food are placed on the stage; the bags contain symbols with only one pair containing matching symbols. The owner and cat each choose a bag. If the two bags chosen have the same symbol, the owner wins $1,000,000, and in addition, earns an extra $100,000 to donate to the animal shelter of their choice. Otherwise, the contestant leaves with their $25,000.
The show hasn't been seen on GSN since it premiered in November.